Javascript React

How to Improve Your CRM Data Quality

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems have transformed, to a degree, the way businesses manage customers’ data. However, quality CRM data remains out of grasp for most businesses. According to...
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Javascript React

Evolution of Web Design for E-commerce in 2023

Imagine having a website that not only looks stunning but also functions seamlessly. That’s what web design is all about – creating a perfect blend of visual appeal, functionality,...
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Javascript Vue

Big Data And Geo Climate Atlas Built With Vue

BigData@Geo Webplattform API Der Backend-Code kann hier gefunden werden. Installation Konsole öffnen und in das Verzeichnis des Projekts wechseln, dann Abhängigkeiten installieren cd code-bigdata-at-geo-webplatform npm install Enwicklung Generell empfiehlt...
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Javascript Vue

A mini Vue.js Stocker using rapidapi

Stocker – Vuejs This is a mini vuejs project. is used as API source. Demo website: About The Project Component Structure Responsive design Routing (Vue Router) Vuex...
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Javascript Vue

A Beautiful Chart Using Draggable Grid For Vue.js

Vuetiful-Board A Beautiful Chart Using Draggable Grid For Vue.js. View Demo View Github Install npm install vuetiful-board import VuetifulBoard from ‘vuetiful-board’ Vue.use(VuetifulBoard) Usage <vuetiful-board :theme=”classic” :dark-mode=”true” :col-num=”12″ :row-height=”30″ :layout-editable=”true”...
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Javascript Meteor

Introducing Meteor Cloud

The only full-service cloud offering built specifically for Meteor apps After months of hard work and feedback from customers and the incredible Meteor community, our team is excited to Introduce...
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