Javascript React

Building Custom Enterprise CRM – Comprehensive Guide

If you are looking to build a custom enterprise CRM, you may have the following questions: What factors should I consider when building a CRM system? How do I...
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Javascript React

New Collaboration Feature in the Flatlogic Platform!

Introducing the Collaboration feature: Empowering Teamwork in the Flatlogic Platform. This new feature is designed to streamline teamwork and enhance project collaboration, bringing efficiency and productivity to a new...
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Javascript React

ABA Schedules: Scheduling CRM System

We’re happy to announce that we released the new case study – ABA Schedules! ABA Schedules is a mobile application, designed to help businesses increase efficiency and productivity in...
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Javascript React

Why Does Remote Work Make Us Paranoid? And What To Do About It?

The number of people working remotely has significantly risen worldwide since the beginning of the covid epidemic in January 2020. And in spring 2022, with ongoing pandemics, many businesses...
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Javascript Vue

Kanban board application made with Electron, Electron-Store, NuxtJS and Tailwind CSS

kanban-electron A simple Kanban Board desktop application made with Electron, with a focus on simplicity and user experience. This software is intended for offline usage only, and saves all...
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Javascript React

What is Material UI

Introduction Material-UI (MUI) is a CSS framework that provides React components out-of-the-box and follows Google’s Material Design launched in 2014. MUI makes it possible to use different components to create a UI...
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