Javascript Vue

Weather app using Vue.js and OpenWeatherMap

vue-weather-app Weather app using Vue.js, OpenWeatherMap. Demo Project setup npm install API Key Create Api Key from OpenWeatherMap. Enter the key on the line below in src/store/store.js apiKey: “YOUR_API_KEY”...
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Javascript Vue

A simple but elegant countdown timer in vuejs

Simple countdown timer made in vuejs This is just a working example of countdown timer using vuepress. Packges used: Vuepress Vue-countdown Vue-radial-progress Complete configurations for all the required packages...
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Javascript Vue

A simple drag-and-drop PDF builder with Vue.js

vue-page-designer A drag-and-drop Pdf builder . Requirements use node 14 *too many old packages used Install git clone [email protected]:MartinPirate/pdf_builder.git npm installl npm run dev Parameter: save C+S saves the...
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