Javascript React

Custom ERP System: Key Considerations & Best Practices

Just imagine how much your business can benefit from a personalized enterprise resource planning system that caters to your unique requirements, enhances processes, and maximizes productivity and efficiency. You...
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Javascript React

Building Custom CRM System: Step-by-Step Guide

What is the best way to create a custom customer relations management (CRM) system? or Can I build a CRM system on my own even if I don’t have...
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Javascript React

Laravel Validation Guide: Methods, Rules & Custom Messages

IntroductionAmazing LaravelInstallation of LaravelLaravel Installation via ComposerLaravel Installation via Flatlogic PlatformCreating a View to work on Laravel Validation4 Great Methods of Laravel ValidationLaravel Validation Using Flatlogic platformHow to create...
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Javascript Vue

A custom spectator HUD for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

csgo-hud This is a custom spectator HUD for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Installing No pre-built binaries or installers (yet), so you’ll have to do everything yourself. Clone the repository. Install...
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Javascript Vue

A Simple Twemoji Selector with vue.js

SI-GRENOBLE INSTALL npm install si-grenoble View Demo View Github SETUP SI-GRENOBLE は TailwindCSS のスタイルを利用していますが、スタイルを提供はしていません。 利用する場合は TailwindCSS をインストールし、 tailwind.config.js に以下を追加してください。 module.exports = { purge: { safelist: [ “flex”, “flex-col”, “absolute”,...
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Javascript Vue

A social network button component for vue.js

vue-share-buttons Vue component for placing buttons in your project using which you can share anything. Installation Install using npm npm i vue-share-buttons Install using Yarn yarn add vue-share-buttons Usage...
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