Javascript React

Updated Version of React Native Starter

We’re excited to announce that we just released an updated version 4.2 of React Native Starter from Flatlogic! What has changed?  React Native updated to 0.71.10  Core React Native...
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Javascript Vue

A convenient replacement for nuxt-link component when using nuxt-i18n

nuxt-i18n-link A convenient replacement for <nuxt-link> component when using nuxt-i18n. It is simply a replacement for this exact code: <nuxt-link :to=”localePath(“/page”)”> Link </nuxt-link> into <nuxt-i18n-link to=”/page”> Link </nuxt-i18n-link> This...
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Javascript Vue

View Laravel File-Based Logs In Web

View Laravel/Lumen logs in browser. Disclaimer This package is simply a lightweight web interface for Laravel and Lumen file-based logs. If you need an advanced debugging tool consider trying...
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Javascript Vue

A dashboard for Google Wi-Fi, using the google-wifi-api-node wrapper

google-wifi-dashboard A dashboard for Google Wi-Fi, using the google-wifi-api-node wrapper. Check it out here: Requirements You’re going to need a refresh token to use this dashboard. Click here...
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Javascript Vue

Laravel sanctum and nuxt configuration

Laravel: 1) .env => SESSION_DRIVER=cookie SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS=nuxt.product.test SESSION_DOMAIN=.product.test:3000 product.test is your laravel url. nuxt.product.test is your subdomail for nuxt. Nuxt: 1)nuxt.config.js => ssr: false, server: { host: ‘http://nuxt.product.test‘, port: 3000,...
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Javascript Vue

A simple vuejs step/form wizard plugin

vue-step-wizard Documentation Installing Plugin npm install –save vue-step-wizard Import Globally import VueStepWizard from ‘vue-step-wizard’ import ‘vue-step-wizard/dist/vue-step-wizard.css’ Vue.use(VueStepWizard); Import and use Components Locally //local registration import {FormWizard, TabContent} from...
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