Javascript Vue

Nova 4 filter component based on the Headless UI combobox component

Nova Combobox Filter This component is based on the Headless UI Combobox component and adds a multiselect filter to Laravel Nova. Requirements php: >=7.3 laravel/nova: ^4.0 Installation Install via...
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Javascript Vue

MovieCart – Movie search site through omdb API communication

MovieCart Untitled.mp4 View Demo View Github ✅ MovieCart란? OMDB API를 이용해 영화 데이터를 받아온뒤 , 사용자들이 검색한 영화를 화면에 보여줄수있는 간단한 영화검색 사이트 입니다. 🔨 기술스택: Vue, vuex, webpack,...
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Javascript Vue

Batch replace bookmark URL: A gadget that can use Regular Expressions to batch replace and modify bookmark URL

Bookmark URL Batch Replacer Batch replace bookmark URL. Bookmark URL Batch Replacer is a gadget that can use Regular Expressions to batch replace and modify bookmark URL. Installation Chromium...
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Javascript Vue

Free & open-source template to create a curated directory of websites without (or with) code

CuratedStack Nocode Template 📑 Free & open-source template to create a curated directory of websites without (or with) code 👉 Check the demo website 💡 Features CuratedStack Nocode Template...
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Javascript Vue

An image finder web application that leverages the Pexels api built with vue

Pexelry Pexelry is an image finder web application that leverages the Pexels api to find images related to a specific search. View Demo View Github Prerequisites Get an api...
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