
Douglas Crockford calls JavaScript ‘smelly.’

#​642 — June 8, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Polywasm: A Polyfill to Run WASM in JS Environments — The creator of esbuild is back with something...
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Is JavaScript a coding?

Is JavaScript a Coding Language? JavaScript is a widely-used programming language, but is it a coding language? JavaScript is a scripting language that has been used to create dynamic...
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Javascript Node

How to run `shell` and more using Node.js

Sometimes an application needs more than Node.js to develop and bootstrap itself. Maybe the project needs some automation from a different programming language than JavaScript; even in that scenario,...
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Javascript React

Top 40 Nerd Jokes for Programmers to Liven Up Your Day | [Golden Collection]

OverviewTop Best Nerd Memes for DevelopersJunior level memesMiddle level programmers’ memesSenior level memesAbout Flatlogic Platform [This is not a joke, this is for real] Overview Rev up your mood...
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Javascript Vue

Coronasweeper game build with Vue, Vuex, vue-i18n, jQuery

coronasweeper Coronasweeper game build with Vue, Vuex, vue-i18n, jQuery. View Demo View Github Project setup npm install Compiles and hot-reloads for development npm run serve Compiles and minifies for...
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Javascript Vue

Conversor of binary numbers to decimal numbers with vue

Binary to Decimal Converter Conversor of binary numbers to decimal numbers Technologies Vue 3 Windi CSS Atomic Design Composition Api Available In Project setup npm install Compiles and...
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