Javascript Node

Automatic integration tests for Express apps4 min read

#​474 — February 16, 2023

Read on the Web

How To Scale Node Apps with Clustering — Node’s cluster module can be used to run and manage multiple Node instances as a way to distribute workloads. Stanley gives a thorough and practical walkthrough of how to do it and why and when it yields a benefit.

Stanley Ulili

Pythagora: Generate Integration Tests by Recording App Activity — This is a neat idea still in its early stages. Add a single line of code after setting up your Express app and Pythagora will capture usage of your app and generate integration tests based upon those interactions. There’s ▶️ a quick screencast if you want to get a better sense of it.

zvone187 and LeonOstrez

A Fresh Introduction to Next 13+ — Learn Next.js, the complete full-stack framework to create basic blog websites up to full-blown apps and APIs! If you are already familiar with Next.js, we have a course building a full app on Next 13+.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Those Node.js Security Releases are.. Today — Last week we teased the release of Node’s latest security releases on February 14 but they’ve been delayed by two days to.. today. At the time of sending, we have no further info, but they should be available from this page.. very soon.

Michael Dawson (Node.js Project)

Using RxDB as a Database in Node.js — RxDB is an offline-first, reactive database. While it was initially focused at frontend use cases, it can be used as an embedded, local database inside a Node app too.

RxDB Team

Git Notes: Git’s Coolest, Most Unloved Feature? — Did you know you can add notes to commits (beyond usual commit messages) using command-line git?

Tyler Cipriani

A Complete Guide to Timeouts in Node.js


A Better Way to Set Up a Cloudflare Worker Project Locally with Miniflare

Hrishikesh Pathak


Imagine Node.js running directly in your browser. Enter WebContainers. The API is now available for public use too.

If you have Node apps running on Heroku, check your backup strategy. I’ve seen a handful of reports of (paid) accounts being deactivated without reason, 🐦 such as this.

The Deno team explains why they think the future (and past) of the Web is server side rendering. Naturally, they focus on where Deno fits into all of this, but there’s much crossover with the Node world too.

🛠 Code & Tools

binary-parser: Declarative Parser Builder for Binary Data — Chain together methods to define binary structures which can then be used against real data. For example, a IP packet header parser might begin: .endianness(“big”)​.bit4(“version”)​.bit4(“headerLength”)​.uint8(“tos”).. and the rest.

Keichi Takahashi

Execa 7.0: A Better child_process — If you need to run external processes from a Node app, this gives you more than child_process does, including a larger maximum buffer size, cleaning up of processes and output, more descriptive errors, and more.

Sindre Sorhus

Increase Security and Reliability with an API Gateway for Node.js — Need an API? Check out Snyk’s step by step tutorial and learn how to build one from scratch with Node.js and a few open source packages securely.

Snyk sponsor

Devalue: Like JSON.stringify, But..“Gets the job done when JSON.stringify can’t.” Namely, it can handle cyclical and repeated references, regular expressions, Map and Set, custom types, and more.

Rich Harris

python-shell 5.0: Run Python Scripts From Node.js — Provides some niceties in communicating between the two processes (and handling errors).

Nicolas Mercier

JPEG Autorotate: Rotate JPEGs from EXIF Orientation Data — Many photo-taking devices store their orientation within the metadata of photos they take and this module can use that info to appropriately reorient such images.

Johan Satgé

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Express Admin 2.0
↳ Admin interface for data in MySQL, Postgres, or SQLite.

Zip It And Ship It 8.6
↳ Prepare Node.js Lambda functions for deployment.

oclif 3.6.5
↳ Node.js CLI framework.

graphql-constraint-directive 5.0
↳ Validate GraphQL fields.

Mojo.js 1.20
↳ The Mojolicious real-time web framework for Node.

Fastify 4.13

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