Javascript Vue

Vue2 and Vue3 directive for keyboard navigation – roving movement and trapping inside container8 min read

VueKeyboardTrap (vue-keyboard-trap)

Project description

Vue directive for keyboard navigation – roving movement and trapping inside container.

Works both for Vue3 and Vue2.

Demo codepen

Docs and examples

Source code, Issues, Discussions


yarn add @pdanpdan/vue-keyboard-trap


npm install @pdanpdan/vue-keyboard-trap


Demo codepen


Usage as ESM

Can be globally registered on the App (plugin mode)

import { createApp } from ‘vue’;
import { VueKeyboardTrapDirectivePlugin } from ‘vue-keyboard-trap’;
import App from ‘./App.vue’;

const app = createApp(App);

app.use(VueKeyboardTrapDirectivePlugin, {
// …options if required


or included in specific components (script)

import { defineComponent } from ‘vue’;
import { VueKeyboardTrapDirectiveFactory } from ‘vue-keyboard-trap’;

const KbdTrap = VueKeyboardTrapDirectiveFactory({
// …options if required

export default defineComponent({
directives: {

or included in specific components (script setup)

import { VueKeyboardTrapDirectiveFactory } from ‘vue-keyboard-trap’;

const vKbdTrap = VueKeyboardTrapDirectiveFactory({
// …options if required

The directive does not require any CSS styles to work, but for cosmetic purposes some example styles are provided in dist/styles/index.sass.

import ‘@pdanpdan/vue-keyboard-trap/styles’;

Usage as UMD

Load the javascript from

It will expose a global object VueKeyboardTrap with VueKeyboardTrap.VueKeyboardTrapDirectivePlugin and VueKeyboardTrap.VueKeyboardTrapDirectiveFactory.

const { createApp } = Vue;
const { VueKeyboardTrapDirectivePlugin } = VueKeyboardTrap;

const app = createApp({});

app.use(VueKeyboardTrapDirectivePlugin, {
// …options if required


or as directive

const { createApp } = Vue;
const { VueKeyboardTrapDirectiveFactory } = VueKeyboardTrap;

const app = createApp({});

const { name, directive } = VueKeyboardTrapDirectiveFactory({
// …options if required

app.directive(name, directive);


If you want you can access the SASS cosmetic style from

Directive configuration options

name: snake-case name of the directive (without v- prefix) – default kbd-trap
datasetName: camelCase name of the data-attribute to be set on element when trap is enabled – default v${ PascalCase from name}
focusableSelector: CSS selector for focusable elements
rovingSkipSelector: CSS selector for elements that should not respond to roving key navigation (input, textarea, …)
gridSkipSelector: CSS selector that will be applied in .roving.grid mode to exclude elements – must be a series of :not() selectors
autofocusSelector: CSS selector for the elements that should be autofocused
trapTabIndex: tabIndex value to be used when trap element has a tabIndex of -1 and has no tabindex attribute (default -9999)

Default focusableSelector:


Default rovingSkipSelector:

select:not([disabled]) *,
[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable=“false”]) *

Default gridSkipSelector:


Default autofocusSelector:


Dynamic enable/disable

Use the value of the directive (boolean) to enable/disable it.

<div v-kbd-trap=”directiveEnabled>

The modifiers are reactive so if you use render functions you can dynamically change the behaviour.

Directive modifiers

.autofocus – autofocuses the first element that matches autofocusSelector or (if no such element is found) the first focusable child element when the directive is mounted or enabled (only if it not covered by another element)
.roving (or .roving.vertical.horizontal) – allow roving navigation (Home, End, ArrowKeys)
.roving.vertical – allow roving navigation (Home, End, ArrowUp, ArrowDown)
.roving.horizontal – allow roving navigation (Home, End, ArrowLeft, ArrowRight)
.roving.grid – allow roving navigation (Home, End, ArrowKeys) using dataset attrs on elements [data-${ camelCase from datasetName }-(row|col)]; [data-${ camelCase from datasetName }-(row|col)~=”*”] is a catchall
.roving used on an element with [role=”grid”] – allow roving navigation (Home, End, ArrowKeys) using role attrs on elements [role=”row|gridcell”]
.roving.tabinside – Tab key navigates to next/prev element inside trap (by default Tab key navigates to next/prev element outside trap in roving mode)
.escrefocus – refocus element that was in focus before activating the trap on Esc
.escexits – refocus a parent trap on Esc (has priority over .escrefocus)

Keyboard navigation


moves to next / previous focusable element inside the trap group (moves from last one to first one or from first one to last one when no more focusable elements are available in the group)
if .roving modifier is used moves to next / previous trap group or focusable element outside the current trap group
if .roving.tabinside modifiers are used then move inside the trap group

ESC key

disables / enables the current tab group
if .escexits modifier is used then refocus the last active focusable element in a parent trap group
if .escrefocus modifier is used then refocus the last focusable element that was active before the current trap group got focus

HOME / END when .roving modifier is used

move to first / last focusable element in the current trap group

ARROW_KEYS when .roving modifier is used (.roving.horizontal.vertical is the same as .roving)

if only .horizontal modifier is used then only ARROW_LEFT / ARROW_RIGHT keys can be used
if only .vertical modifier is used then only ARROW_UP / ARROW_DOWN keys can be used
ARROW_LEFT / ARROW_UP move to the previous focusable element inside the trap group
ARROW_RIGHT / ARROW_DOWN move to the next focusable element inside the trap group

ARROW_KEYS when .roving.grid modifiers are used or .roving modifier on a trap element with [role=”grid”]

move in the grid inside the current trap group

Keyboard navigation inside .roving.grid trap groups

In order to specify the navigation pattern you must use 2 dataset attributes on the focusable elements inside the .roving trap group:

data-v-kbd-trap-row specifies the numeric identifier of the row the element belongs to (numbers need not be consecutive, but their natural order determines the navigation order)
data-v-kbd-trap-col specifies the numeric identifier of the column the element belongs to (numbers need not be consecutive, but their natural order determines the navigation order)

Any or both attributes can have a value of * that means that it is an alement that can be focused from elements having any coresponding (row or col) attribute.

Navigation rules

the first focusable element on the row / col (based on direction of movement) is focused
an element with * for row or col is considered to belong to any row / col

Keyboard navigation inside .roving trap groups with [role=”grid”]

In order to specify the navigation pattern you must use role attributes [role=”row”] and [role=”gridcell”].

All focusable element must have [role=”gridcell”] and must be inside [role=”row”] elements inside [role=”grid”] trap element.

The gridcells will be considered inline-start aligned in every row.

Navigation rules

the first focusable element on the row / col (based on direction of movement) is focused


The directive checks the closest parent DOM Element of the active element that has a [dir=”rtl”] or [dir=”ltr]` attribute.

If the direction is RTL the ARROW_LEFT and ARROW_RIGHT keys move in reverse (according to document order of the focusable elements) but consistent to the way the elements are order on screen.

CSS (visual hints for users)

The directive does not require any styles, but it might help the users to have visual hints for navigation.

A default style is provided in dist/styles/index.sass (can be imported as import from ‘@pdapdan/vue-keyboard-trap/styles’ or included from

There are 3 CSS variables that can be used to customize the aspect of the hints:

–color-v-kbd-trap-enabled – the text color when directive is enabled
–color-v-kbd-trap-disabled – the text color when directive is disabled
–color-v-kbd-trap-background – the background color of the hint area

In the default style the hint is positioned on the top-right corner of the trap group.

// defaults
$ColorVKeyboardTrapEnabled: #c33 !default
$ColorVKeyboardTrapDisabled: #999 !default
$ColorVKeyboardTrapBackground: #eeee !default

// place your custom colors on any element and they will be applied on children
// :root
// –color-v-kbd-trap-enabled: #c33
// –color-v-kbd-trap-disabled: #999
// –color-v-kbd-trap-background: #eeee

content: var(-vkbdtrap, ) var(-vkbdtrapesc, ) var(-vkbdtraptab, ) var(-vkbdtraproving, )
pointer-events: none
position: absolute
top: 2px
right: 2px
font: italic small-caps bold 14px monospace
line-height: 1em
padding: 4px
color: var(-colorvkbdtrapdisabled, $ColorVKeyboardTrapDisabled)
background-color: var(-colorvkbdtrapbackground, $ColorVKeyboardTrapBackground)
border-radius: 2px
z-index: 1
–v-kbd-trap: Trap
–v-kbd-trap: Trap/
–v-kbd-trap-esc: Esc
–v-kbd-trap: !important
–v-kbd-trap-esc: Esc
–v-kbd-trap-tab: /Tab
–v-kbd-trap-tab: /Tab21C5
–v-kbd-trap-roving: /2962296329652964
–v-kbd-trap-tab: /Tab
–v-kbd-trap-roving: /29632965
–v-kbd-trap-roving: /29622964
–v-kbd-trap-roving: /229E
–v-kbd-trap-esc: Esc2949
–v-kbd-trap-esc: Esc2923
outline: none
color: var(-colorvkbdtrapenabled, $ColorVKeyboardTrapEnabled)


Install the dependencies


Start development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

yarn dev

Lint the files

yarn lint

Build for production

yarn build

Source code, issues, bug reports, feature requests

Vue Keyboard Trap (vue-keyboard-trap)


Name: Dan Popescu (PDan)
Email: [email protected]
Github: @pdanpdan


Copyright © 2022-present Dan Popescu.

This application is distributed under , see LICENSE for more information.


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