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A short and powerful infinite scroll list library for vue, with zero dependencies 💪
Tiny & dependency free – Only 3kb gzipped
Render millions of items, without breaking a sweat
Scroll to index or set the initial scroll offset
Supports fixed or variable heights/widths
Vertical or Horizontal lists
see full examples on this demo.
Getting Started
Using npm:
Using yarn:
Import vue Infinite list module into your app module
import InfiniteList from ‘vue3-infinite-list’;
Wrap Infinite list tag around list items
<InfiniteList :data=”data” :width=”‘100%’” :height=”500” :itemSize=”50” :debug=”debug” v-slot=”{ item, index }“>
<div class=”li-con“>{{ index + 1 }} : {{ item }}</div>
The default direction is vertical
Basic Usage: Fixed Height, Scroll Vertical(default)
<InfiniteList :data=”data” :width=”‘100%’” :height=”500” :itemSize=”50” :debug=”debug” v-slot=”{ item, index }“>
<div class=”li-con“>{{ index + 1 }} : {{ item }}</div>
The default direction is vertical
Scroll Direction: Horizontal
v-slot=”{ item, index }”
<div class=”li-con li-con-r“>
item{{ index }} <br />
xxxxxxx <br />
xxxxxxx <br />
<el-button type=”primary” round>Primary</el-button>
Dynamic Height
v-slot=”{ item, index }”
<div class=”li-con“>item {{ index }} : {{ item }}</div>
where getItemSize is a function with it’s signature as : (i: number): number, with this you can dynamic set your item height.
Scroll to Index
v-slot=”{ item, index }”
<div class=”li-con” :class=”getClass(index)“>item{{ index + 1 }} : {{ item }}</div>
you can also use prop scrollToIndex to scroll to special index。
Scroll to Index (More fine-grained with Alignment)
v-slot=”{ item, index }”
<div class=”li-con” :class=”getClass(index)“>item{{ index + 1 }} : {{ item }}</div>
you can also use prop scrollToIndex with scrollToAlignment to special how the item align to the container, which has four value: auto, start, center, end。
Scroll to Offset
v-slot=”{ item, index }”
<el-row class=”mb-4 li-con“>
<el-col :span=”8“>index: {{ index + 1 }} </el-col>
<el-col :span=”8“>xxxxxxxxxx</el-col>
<el-col :span=”8“>
<el-button type=”primary“>Primary</el-button> <el-button type=”success“>Success</el-button></el-col
you can also use prop scrollOffset to scroll to special offset。
Dynamic Data is also Support
<InfiniteList :data=”data” :width=”‘100%’” :height=”500” :itemSize=”60” :debug=”debug” v-slot=”{ item, index }“>
<el-row class=”li-con“>
<el-col :span=”6“>item{{ index + 1 }}</el-col>
<el-col :span=”6“>2022-05-01</el-col>
<el-col :span=”6“>Name: Tom</el-col>
<el-col :span=”6“>
<el-button type=”primary“>Button</el-button>
<el-button type=”success“>Button</el-button>
just change the bind data dynamic.
Set overscanCount
<InfiniteList :data=”data” :width=”‘100%’” :height=”500” :itemSize=”60” :debug=”debug” v-slot=”{ item, index }” :overscanCount=”2“>
<el-row class=”li-con“>
<el-col :span=”6“>item{{ index + 1 }}</el-col>
<el-col :span=”6“>2022-05-01</el-col>
<el-col :span=”6“>Name: Tom</el-col>
<el-col :span=”6“>
<el-button type=”primary“>Button</el-button>
<el-button type=”success“>Button</el-button>
Number of extra buffer items to render above/below the visible items. Tweaking this can help reduce scroll flickering on certain browsers/devices.
Prop Types
Number or String*
Width of List. This property will determine the number of rendered items when scrollDirection is ‘horizontal’.
Number or String*
Height of List. This property will determine the number of rendered items when scrollDirection is ‘vertical’.
The data that builds the templates within the Infinite scroll.
(index: number): number
Either a fixed height/width (depending on the scrollDirection), an array containing the heights of all the items in your list, or a function that returns the height of an item given its index: (index: number): number
Whether the list should scroll vertically or horizontally. One of ‘vertical’ (default) or ‘horizontal’.
Can be used to control the scroll offset; Also useful for setting an initial scroll offset
Item index to scroll to (by forcefully scrolling if necessary)
Used in combination with scrollToIndex, this prop controls the alignment of the scrolled to item. One of: ‘start’, ‘center’, ‘end’ or ‘auto’. Use ‘start’ to always align items to the top of the container and ‘end’ to align them bottom. Use ‘center‘ to align them in the middle of the container. ‘auto’ scrolls the least amount possible to ensure that the specified scrollToIndex item is fully visible.
Number of extra buffer items to render above/below the visible items. Tweaking this can help reduce scroll flickering on certain browsers/devices.
* Width may only be a string when scrollDirection is ‘vertical’. Similarly, Height may only be a string if scrollDirection is ‘horizontal’
Reporting Issues
Found an issue? Please report it along with any relevant details to reproduce it.
This library is transplanted from react-tiny-virtual-list and react-virtualized.
Thanks for the great works of author Claudéric Demers ❤️
is available under the MIT License.