Javascript Vue

Vue integration for Nano Stores, a tiny state manager with many atomic tree-shakable stores3 min read

Nano Stores Vue

Vue integration for Nano Stores, a tiny state manager with many atomic tree-shakable stores.

Small. Less than 1 KB with all helpers. Zero dependencies.
Fast. With small atomic and derived stores, you do not need to call
the selector function for all components on every store change.
Tree Shakable. The chunk contains only stores used by components
in the chunk.
Helpers. To save a few keystrokes and keep code clean.
Devtools. Plugin with full support of Vue Devtools.
Was designed to move logic from components to stores.
It has good TypeScript support.


npm install @nanostores/vue


Store state

Subscribe to store changes and use reactive store state.

<header>{{ post.title }} for {{ }}</header>

import { useStore } from ‘@nanostores/vue’
import { profile } from ‘../stores/profile.js’
import { Post } from ‘../stores/post.js’

export default {
setup (props) {
const user = useStore(profile)
const post = useStore(Post(props.postId))
return { user, post }

Multiple store states

Generate multiple store states and save a few keystrokes.

<header>{{ }} / {{ }}</header>

import { mapStores } from ‘@nanostores/vue’
import { project } from ‘../stores/project.js’
import { user } from ‘../stores/user.js’

export default {
setup () {
return {
…mapStores({ project, user })

Form handling

Since the store state is deep read-only, you cannot directly mutate it.
But for v-model you can create model via useVModel(store, keys, opts).
It will explicitly mutate the store via store.set() / store.setKey().

<input v-model=”username”/>

import { useVModel } from ‘@nanostores/vue’
import { profile } from ‘../stores/profile.js’

export default {
setup () {
const username = useVModel(profile, ‘username’)
return { username }

The keys argument can be an array of keys to create multiple models.
Each model will be prefixed with Model. You can change it via opts.prefix.

<input v-model=”firstNameModel”/>
<input v-model=”lastNameModel”/>

import { useVModel } from ‘@nanostores/vue’
import { profile } from ‘../stores/profile.js’

export default {
setup () {
return {
…useVModel(profile, [‘firstName’, ‘lastName’])



npm install –save-dev @vue/devtools-api


Store detector

Install Vue Devtools plugin as usual. It will detect nanostores
in selected component and add their states to the component inspector.

import { createApp } from ‘vue’
import { devtools } from ‘@nanostores/vue/devtools’

import { User } from ‘../stores/user.js’

const app = createApp(…)

Notice: if you are using SSR, there is no Vue Devtools on server.
Check it’s a browser environment:

if (window) app.use(devtools)

Attach stores to add them to the nanostores inspector
and see their builds, lifecycles and changes on the timeline.

import { createApp } from ‘vue’
import { devtools, attachStores } from ‘@nanostores/vue/devtools’

import { User } from ‘../stores/user.js’

const app = createApp(…)

attachStores(app, { User })

You can connect several stores in different places of your application
and set custom names to simplify the work with devtools.

attachStores(app, {
‘Current User’: User,

For MapTemplate you can create a custom nameGetter
to set suitable names for each store built from template.

attachStores(app, { User }, {
nameGetter: (store, templateName) => {
return `User:${store.get().id}`


The states of all detected stores in component inspector are updated
in real time. You can disable this in the the plugin settings
via the Real-time update detected property.

By default, we removes unmounted stores from nanostores inspector
to keep it clean. You can change this via the Keep unmounted property.


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