Javascript Vue

Nuxt3 with brilliant bells and useful whistles1 min read

Nuxt Starter Kit

Nuxt Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate based off of Nuxt3(beta), with all the bells and whistles you would want ready, up and running when starting a Nuxt project to play and experiment with. Out of the box you get all the essentials

Typescript as the language choice
Tailwind CSS for quick styling without getting out of your HTML
Daisy UI for pre-made TailwindCSS component classes
Tailwind UI for robust headless logic you can use for components like Dialog/Modal, Dropdown, List, etc.
FontSource for effortless custom font integration
Icons through Unplugin for thousands of icons as components that are available on-demand and universally
ESLint(added but it’s currently failing due to #171) and
Prettier for static code analysis and code formatting

with Supabase support landing soon!

and a bunch of pre-made, hand-rolled(easily replace-able) components, that you almost always end up installing/using for any non-trivial project

Button Button with DaisyUI style support for all the basic use cases
Alert/Toast to notify your users of the outcome of an event – success, errorordefault` is supported
Modal(WIP) as you always come back to `em
Loaders for reporting the progress of an API call + a page load

Known Issues

ESLint – Once the issue is resolved you can add

“*.+(js|ts|vue)”: [
yarn run lint

in package.json under the lint-staged section for linting on commits


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