
Why React instead of JavaScript?2 min read

Why React instead of JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular programming languages and has become the go-to language for web development. But why is React gaining more traction than JavaScript and what makes it a better choice? Let’s find out.

What is React?

React is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook. It’s used for creating user interfaces and building single-page applications. React provides developers with a powerful tool for creating dynamic, interactive user experiences. It’s also popular because it’s relatively easy to learn and use.

What makes React better than JavaScript?

React has several advantages over JavaScript. First, React provides a more efficient way for developers to create complex user interfaces. React makes use of a virtual Document Object Model (DOM), which allows developers to create user interfaces without having to write a lot of code. This makes it easier to create and maintain complex user interfaces.

React also makes it easier to debug code. React components are self-contained and can be tested individually, which makes it easier to find and fix bugs. In addition, React has a number of built-in performance optimization techniques, such as server-side rendering and code splitting, which make applications faster and more responsive.

Finally, React is also better suited for creating large-scale applications. React components are reusable and can be shared across projects, which makes it easier to maintain and update code. In addition, React’s use of JavaScript makes it easier to integrate with third-party services and APIs.


React is a powerful tool for creating dynamic user interfaces and building single-page applications. It’s easier to learn, debug, and maintain than JavaScript, and it’s better suited for creating large-scale applications. If you’re looking for a modern and efficient way to create user interfaces, React is a great choice.

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