Javascript Vue

Vue components built for Vue3 powered by Windi CSS or tailwindcss1 min read

Vue components built for Vue3 powered by Windi CSS or tailwindcss

🚀 Features

🌔 All components and classes include dark-mode support
🔌 Programmatic toasts

$‘this is a test’);

type: ‘danger’,
message: ‘single action toast’,
timeout: 6,
primary: {
label: ‘UNDO’,
action: () => $‘you clicked UNDO’)

🔌 Programmatic modals

type: ‘danger’,
title: ‘This is the title property’,
body: ‘This is the body property.’,
primary: {
label: ‘Primary Action’,
theme: ‘red’,
action: () => $‘Primary Button clicked’),
secondary: {
label: ‘Secondary Action’,
theme: ‘white’,
action: () => $‘Clicked Secondary’),

🎪 Interactive playground! – just run yarn; yarn dev

✨ Tons of other components that will be documented shortly!


NuxtJS v3

yarn add –dev @tailvue/nuxt

Add this to your nuxt.config.ts

buildModules: [



yarn add tailvue

import { useToast, useModal } from ‘tailvue’
const $toast = useToast()
const $modal = useModal()


All Icons are brought in via the Iconify Vue Component

yarn add –dev @iconify/vue


Install WindiCSS
Add the following to your window.config.ts

export default defineConfig({
extract: {
include: [



Install tailwindcss
Add the following to your tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {
content: [



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