Javascript React Native

React Native v0.61.x released3 min read

v0.61.x on GitHub (npm)

Release blog post


This is a major release that includes the new reloading experience Fast Refresh. It also removes the React .xcodeproj, fixes use_frameworks! for CocoaPods support, adds a useWindowDimensions hook, and upgrades to React 16.9.


Add Fast Refresh by default (17f8e58 by @gaearon)
Add useWindowDimensions hook to replace most Dimensions usage (5ec382d by @sahrens)

Android specific

Add exception in .gitignore for debug.keystore to the android template. (d550256 by @bondehagen)
Add jitpack repository to template (1a92cf9 by @iyegoroff)

iOS specific

Add RCTWeakProxy to properly deallocate RCTUIImageViewAnimated (6d6b532 by @mmmulani)


Use prettyFormat for Metro logging (abd7faf by @cpojer)
Tweak messages and fix the warning condition (2a3ac04 by @gaearon)
Allow jest globals in mocks directories (e78c013 by @artdent)
Make Animation EndCallback type allow any return value (bb623e6 by @draperunner)
create two layout pass reason flexLayout and flexMeasure instead of flex (6ce9854 by @SidharthGuglani)
Use shorthand for Fragment in App.js (7cac6a4 by @ferdicus)
Use eslint-plugin-prettier recommended config (d2b92ff by @Justkant)
Support string command arguments (0314305 by @TheSavior)
chore: Link to CLA wiki and CLA form. (e2d55d5 by @JustinTRoss)
CLI is now ^3.0.0-alpha.1 (5edd1c6 by @thymikee)
Flow is now v0.104.0 (59db059 by @mroch)
React is now at 16.9 (40e8a5f, 0ccedf3 by @TheSavior)
Use Metro for auto-collapsing internal stack frames (77125a1 by @motiz88)
Move React error message formatting into ExceptionsManager (2dadb9e by @motiz88)
Improve VirtualizedList error message (bef87b6 by @vonovak)

Android specific

Bump Hermes to v0.2.1 (811401b by @sunnylqm)
Use centralized package for DoNotStrip annotation (35fc0ad by @passy)

iOS specific

Do not override ActivityIndicator color when setting its size (14b0ed4 by @cabelitos)
fix display problems when image fails to load (71d7d68)
Renamed yoga podspec to Yoga (8d02e17 by @axe-fb)
Update loading pre-bundled message (eb92f81 by @rickhanlonii) [TODO] Andorid and iOS progress bar


Deprecate method UIManagerModule.playTouchSound() (e3ec8db by @mdvacca)
Deprecate UIManager.measureLayoutRelativeToParent (e42009b by @mdvacca)

Android specific

DrawerLayoutAndroid drawerPosition now expects a string, number is deprecated (305b0a2 by @TheSavior)


Android specific

Remove supportLibVersion variable in build.gradle (fee7f06 by @ferdicus)

iOS Specific

Remove ‘s.static_framework = true’ requirement for podspec (ca9e108 by @jtreanor)


Add ErrorUtils to eslint globals (76af5f9 by @rodineijf)
URL: Do not prepend baseUrl if the URL is not a relative URL (e104204 by @jeswinsimon)
Memory Leak due to JSStringRelease not called (ba5222f by @sachinservicemax)
Fixed rotateZ native animation (f4f08d3 by @Titozzz)
Fix indentation in Gradle files (9b0adb5 by @sonicdoe)
Fix handling of failed image downloads (5cde7d2 by @sammy-SC)
Fix SectionList scrollToLocation and prevent regressions (8a82503 by @vonovak)
[General] [Internal] Fix incorrect module.name_mapper in template .flowconfig (cf5ca26 by @MoOx)
Fall back to JSON.stringify in console.log if Symbol is unavailable (1798897 by @cpojer)
Pop frames correctly in console.error handler (3eaf245 by @motiz88)
Add documentation to TextInput’s Flow types (d00f088 by @empyrical)

Android specific

Add missing Hermes include (1db96a3 by @janicduplessis)
Fix UIManager.measure to consider scale and rotation transforms (28d5018 by @floriancargoet)

iOS specific

Fixed iOS packager connection (4ab9da1 by @zhongwuzw)
Fixed compatibility with CocoaPods frameworks. (8131b7b by @jtreanor)
Don’t call sharedApplication in App Extension (c5ea18f by @zhongwuzw)React Admin Templates and Themes

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