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A webpack loader for loader markdown file transform to vue file2 min read


A webpack loader for loader markdown file transform to vue file.


[x] Support to import Vue file components and render them into Vue component instances
[x] Code block supports highlighting specified lines
[x] Supports writing Vue code and defining script to render to the current component
[x] Support defining current component style
[x] Support todolist
[x] Support code block rendering components (requires the ESM version of Vue)
[x] Support for importing file code (rendering to code highlight)
[x] Support to import source code (such as importing HTML fragments, note: it will not be compiled through markdown)



npm install -D vue-dotmd-loader


rules: [
test: /.md$/,
use: [
‘vue-loader’, // must use vue-loader
loader: ‘vue-dotmd-loader’,
options: options


wrapperName: ‘DemoBlock’, // Define the demo package component (please register the component globally). If it is empty, only the demo will be rendered.
fileDemoNamePerfix: ‘FileDemo’, // Name prefix of the demo component file
blockDemoNamePerfix: ‘BlockCodeDemo’,// Name prefix of Code block demo component
fileDemoTag: ‘demo:vue’, // File demo tag; format: [demo:vue](filePath)
blockDemoTag: ‘demo:vue’, // Block code demo tag; format: ““html demo:vue code ““
includeCodeTag: ‘include:code’, // Include code tag; format: [include:code](filePath)
includeRawTag: ‘include:raw’, // Include raw source tag; format: [include:raw](filePath)
dest: false, // ouput file; true/false/function
dest (code, contextPath, resourcePath) {}, // Custom write file
markdown: { // markdown-it options see:
options: {
html: false
notWrapper: false,
init (md) {
md.use(otherPlugin) // Add markdown-it plug-in

eslint ignore

“eslintIgnore”: [

If you need the same style as this page, please refer to CSS as follows.

import ‘github-markdown-css/github-markdown.css’
import ‘highlight.js/styles/color-brewer.css’
import ‘vue-dotmd-loader/src/docs.css’


If you are using a project initialized by Vue cli, configure it as follows.

// …
configureWebpack: {
resolve: {
extensions: [‘.md’],
chainWebpack (config) {
// see:
…(config.module.rules.get(‘vue’).uses.get(‘vue-loader’).get(‘options’) || null) // Consistent with Vue loader configuration
dest: true,
markdown: {
options: {
html: true

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