
Is JavaScript C or C++?2 min read

Is JavaScript C or C++?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used to create web pages, mobile applications, and desktop applications. But what language is JavaScript based on? Is it C or C++?

The answer is neither. While JavaScript does borrow some features from C and C++, it is a completely different language. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between JavaScript and C/C++ and explain why JavaScript is not either language.

JavaScript and C: Similarities and Differences

JavaScript and C share some similarities, most notably their syntax. JavaScript also borrows some features from C, such as its primitive data types and basic control structures.

However, there are also some important differences. C is a compiled language, while JavaScript is interpreted. This means that C programs must be compiled into machine code before they can be executed, while JavaScript code is executed directly by the browser.

In addition, C is a statically typed language, while JavaScript is dynamically typed. This means that C requires variables to be declared with a specific type, while JavaScript variables can be used to store any type of data.

Finally, C is a procedural language, while JavaScript is an object-oriented language. This means that C programs are structured as a sequence of instructions, while JavaScript programs are structured as a set of objects that interact with each other.

JavaScript and C++: Similarities and Differences

Similar to JavaScript and C, JavaScript and C++ share some similarities, such as their syntax and primitive data types. Additionally, JavaScript borrows some features from C++, such as operator overloading and function overloading.

However, there are also some important differences. C++ is a compiled language, while JavaScript is interpreted. In addition, C++ is statically typed, while JavaScript is dynamically typed. Finally, C++ is an object-oriented language, while JavaScript is also an object-oriented language.


JavaScript is not C or C++. While JavaScript does borrow some features from C and C++, it is a completely different language. JavaScript is an interpreted language, is dynamically typed, and is object-oriented.

JavaScript is an incredibly powerful and versatile language, and it is used to create web pages, mobile applications, and desktop applications. If you’re looking to learn a programming language, then JavaScript is a great choice.React Admin Templates and Themes

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